The Hardships and Mysteries in the Life of a Worker Bee

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As some of you may have noticed, it’s been awhile since my last post. For those of you who worried, I can assure you I’m not dead. For the past two weeks I’ve simply been too busy (read: lazy) to switch on my computer. Really. Not even to catch up on celebrity gossip or stalk former classmates on facebook (which should tell you something about how serious I’m being right now). The truth is that the transition from student life to employment is kicking my ass.

For the better part of a decade I’ve slept in almost every morning, watched my day time soaps on the telly every day (last I saw, Brooke was back together with Ridge, and I think they were pregnant with Taylor’s baby, although I’m not sure, as there was some maternity confusion there), spent hours discussing the pros and cons of socialist-communist politics (jk, cons were never brought up), interrupted only by the occasional lecture and/or party. And now, after all these years, suddenly I’m expected to get up at 6.30 every morning and partake as a productive member of the real world, for 7.5 hours, five days a week! I’ve been doing it for a few weeks now and I must admit I’m struggling a little bit. I’m exhausted. University never prepared me for this. I can’t for the life of me remember how I for the thirteen years of schooling before university managed to do all this and more, and still had enough stamina left to stay awake beyond nine o’clock in the evenings. Cue soundtrack:

Anyways, I’m getting off track, so I’ll just catch you up real quick on what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks. At work I’ve been vacillating between really busy days of back-to-back meetings and appointments and less busy (but equally tiresome) days, which I’ve mostly spent trying to figure out the meaning of the mirrors suspended in perfect ass-height around the toilet bowl in the employee bathroom. Oddly, none of my co-workers seem as mystified by this as I am; apparently they’re too distracted by their work to focus on the important stuff. But I’ll be damned if I let a few overdue reports get in the way of my solving this puzzle. My hypotheses so far:

  1. The purchasing manager got drunk at last year’s Christmas party and ordered these handy mirrors in order to better admire his backside. Or frontside.
  2. The office has previously experienced trouble with foul odours due to sub-satisfactory wiping among employees, and put up the mirrors in order to make it easier for people to check that they’ve done a proper wipe job.
  3. It’s a one-way mirror used to ensure that none of the employees are trafficking drugs via their various body orifices.
  4. The whole thing is an elaborate prank and there’s an office pool going on how long it takes the newb to figure it out.

To complicate the matter further, I’ve noticed a note on the door stating that this particular bathroom is off-limits between the hours of seven and one o’clock on Tuesdays. No explanation is offered and there’s no name on the note, making me that much more curious as to what the room is really used for, not to mention who’s reserving it for six hours every week (and may I do the same)? Naturally, I’ve cancelled all my appointments for the upcoming Tuesday, and will be staking out the bathroom from across the hall.

If you have some hypotheses of your own, please feel free to help me out!

About Annie

I love daydreaming, video games, cheesy love stories (LOVE them!), bunnies and chocolate. Welcome to my blog :)

9 responses »

  1. Have you checked for hidden cameras behind the mirror? You never know, some ppl are kinky like that!

  2. That is really weird! Be sure to let us know what you find out when you investigate!

  3. I have exactly 3 weeks left of student life, then have to join as an intern. But not much hope of enjoying the 3 weeks coz of exams.. From what my friends(those in the same job) say, I’m going to have a lot of work to do!

  4. Totally on board with the hidden cam theory, but maybe the cameras are not hidden behind the mirror, but in an angle that will give the creepy peepers a good view from the ceiling or something.
    Maybe you should tattoo “STOP watching me!” on your ass in the off chance that somebody actually is watching…

    • Haha! Great idea, but… no. I’m afraid that would make me seem a bit more paranoid shizophreninc than I really am. And also, my boyfriend might misinterpret the message, which would really be a shame. However, I think you might be on to something with your ceiling idea, ’cause there’s a vent in the ceiling in front of the toilet which would be a perfect hiding spot for a tiny camera. I’ll investigate further!


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